(Podcast) El Ojo Crítico. Roser Amadó
(Podcast) El Ojo Crítico. Roser Amadó 06/03/2020 Iñigo Picabea interviews Zaida Muxí and Lucía C. Pérez-Moreno to talk about Catalonian architect ROSER AMADÓ. Podcast: 18′ 09′
(Podcast) El Ojo Crítico. Roser Amadó 06/03/2020 Iñigo Picabea interviews Zaida Muxí and Lucía C. Pérez-Moreno to talk about Catalonian architect ROSER AMADÓ. Podcast: 18′ 09′
Special Collection «Becoming a Gender Equity Democracy. Women and Architecture Practice in Spain and Portugal (1960s-1980s)» Arts 9. ISSN: 2076-0752 Edited by Lucía C. Pérez-Moreno (University of Zaragoza, ES) and Patrìcia Santos Pedrosa (Universidad Beira Interior, PT). Check the video with the title of full articles included in this Special Collection http://muwo.unizar.es/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Arts_SC_Muwo.mov
MuWo’s team presents 3 conference papers at the III iberoamerican conference on the history of furniture The Association for the Study of Furnite has organized the III Biannual Conference on the History of Furniture. Researchers of MuWo has presented 3 papers that analyse several designs of: Beth Galí, Belén Moneo, Marisa Sáenz Guerra, Cristina Vallejo […]
IV MEETING (VIRTUAL) «GENDER PERSPECTIVES IN ARCHITECTURE» Last December 2020 took place the IV Meeting on «Gender Perspectives in Architecture». Due to the Pandemic situation it was in virtual format. This instalment has had lectures by Daniela Arias, Inés Novella, Ana Amado and Anna Bofill Levi. You can see the full lectures online. See YouTube […]